As a leader of an arts organization, you face a difficult challenge. You want to be flexible and creative, in keeping with the spirit of your organization. At the same time, you need strong business management skills to help you develop and sustain the health of the organization. We can give you confidential advice, support, and practical strategies.

Executive Coaching

Are you constantly juggling many responsibilities? Do you often feel you need more hours in your day?
Through coaching you can discover how to:

  • Create more time through effective planning and organizing

  • Clarify your goals and break them into manageable steps

  • Strengthen your partnerships with board, staff, and community

  • Prepare effective budgets, business plans, and grant proposals

  • Improve your presentations to funders, community groups, or your board

  • Provide management training and development for your staff

Team Development

Are you trying to create a high performing team out of a diverse group of people?
You will learn key skills for:

  • Planning and facilitating staff meetings

  • Managing people and delegating work to others

  • Setting performance objectives and giving feedback to improve performance

  • Working productively with artists and other creative people

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a way for your organization to reach agreement about where you want to go and how best to get there.
Do you need to introduce or update a strategic planning process?
You and your organization will learn how to:

  • Identify critical factors for success in the future

  • Address board, staff, and community concerns

  • Create a positive dialogue around difficult issues

  • Develop and implement practical, measurable plans

Board Development

Is your Board of Directors full of diverse people?  Do you believe they could work together more effectively?
You will be able to lead your Board to achieve better results by:

  • Clarifying roles and responsibilities

  • Using agendas to create better dialogue and decision making

  • Turning disagreement and conflict into discussion of the issues

  • Building commitment to action plans

Mary Cook

CoFounder at microWave project, LLCCoFounder at microWave project, LLC

  • I have worked with Shauna Lee Lange over the years for the Torpedo Factory Art Center's Target Gallery. Shauna Lee had art work in our "BookEnds" exhibition, which was a collaborative exhibition between Target Gallery and Pyramid Atlantic Art Center. She served as juror for two different exhibitions in the Target Gallery, and she served as an arts expert on an art collector's panel for a special event, Cultivate your Taste for Art, at the Torpedo Factory Art Center. She is extremely professional, highly competent, presents well and is a wonderfully compassionate woman. It has been wonderful working with her in these different capacities and I am sad that she has moved away from the DC area. I know that she will make some wonderful things happen wherever she resides. She has incredible passion for what she does and a great supporter of the arts.

John Aaron

Global Project Founder, CHALK4PEACE, Inc. Global Project Founder

  • Shauna Lee has stepped forward to energize and inform Alexandria, Virginia and the Washington Beltway about CHALK4PEACE.
    The Event wishes we had ten more of her; then the WHOLE WORLD would know! She has a charismatic power in her enthusiasm for an idea.
    She is a definite go to person about the arts...

Anne Marchand

Award-winning abstract artist

  • Shauna Lee and I acted as jurors for a local arts organzation. Shauna brings years of professionalism, knowledge of artists, art styles and quality work to her advisory business. Shauna Lee's insights and leadership are qualities that she brings to her work.